Monday, 3 February 2014

Astrology and the Events in Your Life

Posted by MANI
Astrology is mostly used to find out the nature and time of the events that happened or will happen in your life.

Life is full of events which are of two kinds - specific events and ordinary events.
First type, arising from your karma or destiny includes death, marriage, profession, owning a house, child birth, accident, disease, money matters and loss of property and relations.  Second kind of events arise from one's nature and habits : quarrels with someone, ways of expenditures, love affair, eating habits, communication with others, spiritual activities, travel, dressing and friendship or enmity with others.
Astrology answers or should answer the questions:
1. What will happen in your life?
2. When will it happen?
3. Where will it happen?
4.How will it happen - whether favourably or painfully and by whom?
5. How long will it continue or will the effect continue?
The client may ask what will happen in a particular period, for example in 2014.  Or he may ask when his desired event will happen.  So the astrologer primarily needs to find out the nature of events to happen and pinpoint the time of that event.
The beauty of astrology is that all the events in life are stuffed just into 12 houses and are distributed by just 9 planets. The strength and nature of these houses and planets in horoscope reveal the nature of the events in one's life.  Dasa and it's sub periods along with transit reveal the time of those events.


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